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Di tale amor che dirsi - Cabaletta for "Tacea la notte"
from Act I - The Duel, Scene 2 of the Italian opera Il Trovatore by Giuseppe Verdi
Libretto: Salvatore Cammarano

Role: Leonora, a lady-in-waiting for the Princess of Aragon
Voice Part: soprano       Fach: dramatic coloratura
Setting: The gardens of the palace of Aliferia, Aragon, 1409.
Synopsis: Leonora has fallen in love with a knight that serenades her in the gardens at night. Ines warns her that this troubadour will bring trouble to them all and that Leonora should not continue seeing him. Leonora responds that she will not stop meeting him, for she would give her life for him.
Range: Tessitura:
G#/Ab3 - C6D#/Eb4 - A#/Bb5
Translations/Aria Texts:
Translation into English by Guia Monti (added 1997-07-20)
Di tale amor, Leonora's aria from Il Trovatore

Di tale amor che dirsi		A love that can
mal può dalla parola,		hardly be put into words,
d' amor che intendo io sola,	a love that only I can understand,
il cor s' inebriò! 		such a love has filled my heart! 
Il mio destino compiersi	My destiny will be fulfilled
non può che a lui dappresso...	only at his side...
S' io non vivrò per esso,	I will live only for him,
per esso io morirò!		if not, I will die for him!

Guia K. Monti

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