My man's gone now, Serena's aria from Porgy and Bess My man's gone now, ain' no use a-listenin' for his tired footsteps climbin' up de stairs. Ah... Ol' Man Sorrow's come to keep me comp'ny, whisperin' beside me when I say my prayers. Ah... Ain' dat I min' workin', work an' me is travelers journeyin' togedder to de promise land. But Ol' Man Sorrow's marchin' all de way wid me tellin' me I'm ole now since I lose my man. Ol' Man Sorrow sittin' by de fireplace, lyin' all night long by me in de bed. Tellin' me de same thing mornin, noon an' eb'nin', that I'm all alone now since my man is dead. Ah... Since my man is dead!