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from Act II, Scene II of the Italian opera Don Giovanni by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Libretto: Lorenzo da Ponte

Role: Leporello, servant of Don Giovanni
Voice Part: bass       Fach: lyric bass
Setting: A cemetary
Synopsis: After Donna Anna, Don Ottavio, and Masetto and his peasants find Leporello (who is disguised as Don Giovanni), they want to bring him to justice for all his wrong-doings. Leporello then takes off the disguise and shows them that he is not, in fact, Don Giovanni. When Masetto then accuses him of beating him up, Leporello explains to him that it couldn't have been him, since he was with Donna Elvira the entire time.
Range: Tessitura:
A2 - E4D3 - D4
Translations/Aria Texts:
Translation into English by Camila Argolo Freitas Batista (added 1997-11-04)
Ah, pietà, signori miei!, Leporello's aria from Don Giovanni

Ah, pietà, signori miei!		Oh, spare me, good people! 
Dò ragione a voi, a lei			You are right, sir... and you too, ma'am...
Ma il delito mio non è.			but the real fault isn't mine.
II padron con prepotenza,		It was by my master's doing
L'innocenza mi rubò.			that I was led astray.
Donna Elvira, compatite!		Donna Elvira! forgive me;
Voi capite come andò.			you know how he is.
Di Masetto non so nulla,		About Masetto, I know nothing,
Vel dirà questa fanciulla.		as this lady here can vouch;
È un oretta cirumcirca,			for nearly an hour
Che con lei girando vo.			I've been walking back and forth with her.
A voi, signore, non dico niente,	To you sir, I can say nothing...
Certo timore, certo accidente,		It was partly fear and partly accident...
Di fuori chiaro, di dentro scuro,	It was light outside but dark in here...
Non c'è riparo, la porta, il muro.	I've no excuse... the door, the wall...
Io me ne vado verso quel lato,		I... I... I... went that way,
Poi qui celato, l'affar si sa!		then I hid here, and the rest you know...
Ma s'io sapeva, fuggia per qua!		But if I'd known, I'd have run from here!

Translation by Camila Argolo Freitas Batista (
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