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Opera: Aïda
Composer: Giuseppe Verdi
Description: an officer in the Egyptian army
Voice Part: tenor
Vocal Fach: dramatic tenor/heldentenor
Celeste Aida - from Act I.    Extras: Translation into English by MIDI version by Aida by Giuseppe Verdi - Giuseppe Aida by Giuseppe Verdi - Giuseppe Aida by Giuseppe Verdi - Giuseppe Aida by Giuseppe Verdi - Giuseppe . Verdi Operas: The Complete Vocal Scores (Version 2.0) by Giuseppe Verdi - Giuseppe Celeste Aida by Giuseppe Verdi - Giuseppe The Ultimate Tenor Aria Album (Version 2.0) by   - Cantolopera: Arias for Tenor - Volume 2 by   - Celebri Arie di Opere - Volume 4 by   - Cantolopera: Verdi Arias for Tenor by Giuseppe Verdi - Giuseppe Operatic Anthology, Volume 3 - Tenor by Kurt Adler - Kurt Enrico Caruso - Voices of the Opera Series by   - Anthology of Italian Opera - Tenor by   - Italian Tenor Arias with Orchestra, vol. II by   - Franco Corelli - Voices of the Opera Series by   - Favorite Tenor Arias by Giuseppe Verdi - Giuseppe
Celeste Aïda, Radamès's aria from Aïda

Se quel guerrier io fossi!			If I were that warrior!
Se il mio sogno si avverasse!			If my dream came true!
Un esercito di prodi da me guidato		An army of brave men lead by me
E la vittoria e il plauso di Menfi tutti!	And all victories and the praise of Menfi
E a te, mia dolce Aïda, 			And to you, my sweet Aida,
Tornar di lauri cinto				Returning wrapped in laurels
Dirti: per te ho pugnato,			I would say: I've fought for you,
Per te ho vinto!				I've won for you!

Celeste Aïda, forma divina,		Heavenly Aida, divine shape,
Mistico serto di luce e fior,		mystic garland of light and flowers,
Del mio pensiero tu sei regina,		you are queen of my thoughts,
Tu di mia vita sei lo splendor.		you are the splendour of my life
Il tuo bel cielo vorrei ridarti,	I would like to give you your sky back,
Le dolci brezze del patrio suol :	the sweet breeze of the fatherland:
Un regal serto sul crin posarti,	to put a regal garland on your heart
Ergerti un trono vicino al sol,		to build up a throne for you next to the sun

(second verse replace "Mistico serto di luce" with "Mistico raggio di luce", 
translated as "Mystic ray of light", RTG)

Translation by Giuseppe Cusmano (
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