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from Act I of the French opera Les Contes d'Hoffmann by Jacques Offenbach
Libretto: Jules Barbier

Role: Olympia, a doll, one of Hoffmann's loves
Voice Part: soprano       Fach: lyric coloratura
Setting: The parlor room of Spalanzani the scientist, 19th century
Synopsis: Spalanzani the inventor winds up Olympia the doll to sing for his guests. She sings this song about the birds and how they sing of the young girl of love.
Range: Tessitura:
D#/Eb4 - D#/Eb6G#/Ab4 - A#/Bb5
Translations/Aria Texts:
Translation into English by Ann Feeney (added 1997-04-21)
Les oiseaux dans la charmille, Olympia's aria from Les Contes d'Hoffmann

Les oiseaux dans la charmille		The birds in the hedges,
Dans les cieux l'astre du jour,		The star of daylight in the sky,
Tout parle à la jeune fille d'amour!	Everything speaks to a young girl of love!
Ah!  Voilà la chanson gentille		Ah!  This is the sweet song,
La chanson d'Olympia!  Ah!		The song of Olympia!  Ah!

Tout ce qui chante et résonne		Everything that sings and sounds 
Et soupire, tour à tour,		And sighs, in its turn,
Emeut son coeur qui frissonne d'amour!	Moves her heart, which trembles with love!
Ah!  Voilà la chanson mignonne		Ah!  This is the darling song,
La chanson d'Olympia!  Ah!		The song of Olympia!  Ah!  

Word-by-word translation by Ann Feeney, afeeney@Mcs.Net
Sheet Music/Scores:
The Ultimate Soprano Aria Album (Version 2.0). Published by CD Sheet Music. Available at and
Prima Donna's Album. Published by G. Schirmer. Available at and
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