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from Act I of the German opera Der Freischütz by Carl Maria von Weber
Libretto: Friedrich Kind

Role: Max, a forester
Voice Part: tenor       Fach: spinto
Setting: An open space in front of a tavern in the woods, Bohemia, middle of the 17th century
Synopsis: Max wants badly to win the shooting contest held by Prince Ottokar. If he does, he will become the new head forester and will get to marry his beloved Agathe, the old head forester's daughter. However, he has just lost another contest to a peasant and believes that he will not win. He sings of his anguish and of the loss of his happy life.
Range: Tessitura:
C3 - A4F3 - G4
Translations/Aria Texts:
Translation into English by Robert Glaubitz (added 1998-09-12)
Durch die Wälder, durch die Auen, Max's aria from Der Freischütz

Nein, länger trag ich nicht die Qualen, No, no longer can I carry the torment,
Die Angst, die jede Hoffnung raubt! 	The fear that steals every hope!
Für welche Schuld muß ich bezahlen? 	For what debt must I pay?
Was weiht dem falschen Glück mein Haupt? What devotes my head to bad luck?

Durch die Wälder, durch die Auen 	Through the woods, through the pastures
Zog ich leichten Muts dahin; 		Went I with light heart;
Alles, was ich konnt' erschauen, 	All that I could behold
War des sichern Rohrs Gewinn. 		Was a prize of my sure barrel.
Abends bracht' ich reiche Beute, 	Nightly I brought rich treasures,
Und wie über eignes Glück, 		And like over her own luck,
Drohend wohl dem Mörder, 		Threatening to the murderer,
freute sich Agathes Liebesblick! 	Rejoiced in Agathe's gaze of love!

Hat denn der Himmel mich verlassen? 	Have then the heavens forgotten me?
Die Vorsicht ganz ihr Aug' gewandt? 	Caution turned its eyes completely?
Soll das Verderben mich erfassen? 	Should the destruction take hold of me?
Verfiel ich in des Zufalls Hand? 	Do I fall into Chance's hand?

Jetzt ist wohl ihr Fenster offen, 	Doubtless, now is the window open,
Und sie horcht auf meinen Schritt, 	And she listens for my stride,
Läßt nicht ab vom treuen Hoffen: 	Empty not her faithful hopes:
Max bringt gute Zeichen mit! 		Max brings with him good tokens!
Wenn sich rauschend Blätter regen, 	If the rustling leaves move,
Wähnt sie wohl, es sei mein Fuß; 	No doubt she imagines that it is my foot;
Hüpft vor Freuden, winkt entgegen... 	Jumps for joy, motions towards me...
Nur dem Laub den Liebesgruß. 		Only the leaves receive her love's greeting.
Doch mich umgarnen finstre Mächte! 	But dark deeds ensnare me!
Mich faßt Verzweiflung, foltert Spott! 	Despair pulls me, torturing mockery...
O dringt kein Strahl durch diese Nächte? Oh does no ray shine through these nights?
Herrscht blind das Schicksal? 		Does fate rule blind?
Lebt kein Gott? 			Does no God live?
Mich faßt Verzweiflung, foltert Spott!	Despair pulls me, torturing mockery...

Translation by Robert Glaubitz (
Sheet Music/Scores:
The Ultimate Tenor Aria Album (Version 2.0). Published by CD Sheet Music. Available at and
Adler, Kurt. Operatic Anthology, Volume 3 - Tenor. Published by G. Schirmer. Available at and
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