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from Act I of the French opera Werther by Jules Massenet
Libretto: Edouard Blau

Role: Werther, a poet, about 23 years old
Voice Part: tenor       Fach: lyric tenor
Setting: the garden outside the Magistrate's house, Frankfurt, Germany, 1780
Synopsis: Werther has come to the Magistrate's house and is enjoying the fresh air, describing the beautiful surroundings in which he finds himself.
Range: Tessitura:
G3 - A4G3 - F4
Translations/Aria Texts:
Translation into English by Lea Frey (added 2000-06-02)
O nature pleine de grâce, Werther's aria from Werther

Je ne sais si je veille ou si je rêve encore! 	I don’t know if I am awake or if I 
							am still dreaming!
Tout ce qui  m’environne a  l’air d’un paradis; all that surrounds me has the air of  a paradise;
le bois soupire ainsi qu’une harpe sonore; 	The woods sigh like a sounding harp;
Un monde se révèle à mes yeux éblouis. 		a world reveals itself to my astonished eyes.

O nature pleine de grâce, 			O, Nature, full of grace,
reine du temps et de l’espace,  		Queen of time and space,
daigne acceuillir celui qui passe 		deign to welcome whoever passes
et te salue, humble mortel! 			and  salutes you, humble mortel.
Mystérieux silence!... O calme solennel! 	Mysterious silence!... O solemn calm!
Tout m’attire et me plaît!... 			Everything attracts me and pleases me!...
Ce mur et ce coin sombre.. 			This wall and this dark  corner...
Cette source limpide et la fraicheur de l’ombre	This limpid spring and the coolness  of the shade;
Il n’est pas une haie, il n’est pas un buisson 	there’s  not a hedge , there’s not a bush,
où  n’ éclose une fleur,  			Where a flower doesn’t burst forth,
où  ne passe un frisson! 			Where a shiver doesn’t pass by!
O Nature, enivre-moi de tes parfums! 		Oh, Nature, intoxicate me with your perfumes!
Mère, éternellement jeune, adorable et pure, 	Mother, eternally young, adorable and pure,
Enivre-moi de tes parfums! 			Intoxicate me with your perfumes!
Et toi, soleil, 				And you, sun,
viens m’inonder de tes rayons vermeils! 	Come and drown me in your crimson rays!

Translation by Lea Frey (
MIDI version by Fraser Rubens. Notes: no vocal line
Sheet Music/Scores:
The Ultimate Tenor Aria Album (Version 2.0). Published by CD Sheet Music. Available at and
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