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Tradito, schernito - No. 27, Cavatina
from Act II, Scene II of the Italian opera Così fan tutte by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Libretto: Lorenzo da Ponte

Role: Ferrando, a soldier who is in love with Dorabella
Voice Part: tenor       Fach: tenor leggiero
Setting: the garden of Dorabella and Fiordiligi
Synopsis: Tormented that Dorabella would betray him for another man, Ferrando sings of his anger but declares that he still loves Dorabella.
Range: Tessitura:
F3 - G#/Ab4G3 - G#/Ab4
Translations/Aria Texts:
Translation into English by Rebecca Burstein (added 2001-01-10)
Tradito, schernito, Ferrando's aria from Così fan tutte

In qual fiero contrasto, 			In what a cruel conflict, 
in qual disordine di pensieri, 			in what disorder of thoughts 
e di affetti io mi ritrovo! 			and emotions I find myself!
Tanto insolito e novo e il caso mio, 		My situation is so unusual and strange 
che non altri, 					that neither others 
non io basto per consigliarmi.	 		nor I suffice to advise me.
Alfonso, Alfonso, quanto rider vorrai 		Alfonso, Alfonso, how much you will want 
							to laugh 
della mia stupidezza! 				at my stupidity! 
Ma mi vendicherò, 				But I will avenge myself, 
saprò dal seno cancellar 			I will be able to erase from my heart
quell'iniqua...					that traitress...
saprò cancellarla...cancellarla?		I will be able to erase her...erase her?
Troppo oh Dio questo cor per lei mi parla.	Too strongly, oh heavens, my heart speaks to 
							me for her.

Tradito, schernito dal perfido cor,		Betrayed, scorned by her faithless heart,
Io sento che ancora quest'alma l'adora, 	I feel that my soul still adores her,
Io sento per essa le voci d'amor.		I feel for her the pleadings of love.

Translation by Rebecca Burstein (
Sheet Music/Scores:
The Ultimate Tenor Aria Album (Version 2.0). Published by CD Sheet Music. Available at and
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