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from Act I, Scene I of the Italian opera Lucia di Lammermoor by Gaetano Donizetti
Libretto: Salvatore Cammarano

Role: Enrico Ashton, lord and master of Lammermoor
Voice Part: baritone       Fach: lyric baritone
Setting: The Lammermoor Castle courtyard, Scotland
Synopsis: After the family chaplain suggests that Enrico should have mercy on Lucia for secretly meeting with the enemy of their family, Enrico declares that he does not understand mercy and that the only thing he really understands is vengence.
Range: Tessitura:
not enterednot entered
Translations/Aria Texts:
Translation into English by Ugo Berardi (added 1999-11-04)
La pietade in suo favore, Enrico's cabaletta from Lucia di Lammermoor

La pietade in suo favore     	The compassion for her
miti sensi invan ti detta... 	inspires to you an unuseful pity.... 
Se mi parli di vendetta      	I hear your words only if
sol intenderti potrò. -      	you speak to me of revege. - 
Siagurati!... Il mio furore  	Oh, curses! fury
già su voi tremendo rugge... 	will descend upon you roaring...
L'empia fiamma che vi strugge	The impious flame that burns within you
io col sangue spegnerò !     	I shall extinguish with blood!    

Translation by Ugo Berardi (
Sheet Music/Scores:
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