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from Act III, Scene 2 of the Italian opera Falstaff by Giuseppe Verdi
Libretto: Arrigo Boito

Role: Fenton, one of Nannetta's suitors
Voice Part: tenor       Fach: tenor leggiero
Setting: Windsor Park, Windsor, England, early 15th century
Synopsis: While in costume as Oberon, Fenton sings of his love for Nannetta in a sonnet.
Range: Tessitura:
F3 - G#/Ab4G#/Ab3 - F#/Gb4
Translations/Aria Texts:
Translation into English by Andrew Richards (added 1997-09-29)
Dal labbro il canto estasïato vola, Fenton's aria from Falstaff

Dal labbro il canto estasïato vola	From the lips the song in ecstasy flies
Pei silenzi notturni e va lontano	Thru the silences nocturnal and goes far
E alfin ritrova un altro labbro umano	And at last it discovers another human lip 
Che gli risponde colla sua parola.	that answers it with its word.

Allor la nota che non è più sola	The note which isn't any longer alone
Vibra di gioia in un accordo arcano	vibrates with joy in a chord secret 
E innamorando l'aer antelucano		and enamoring the air before dawn 
Con altra voce al suo fonte rivola.	with another voice to its source flies back.

Quivi ripiglia suon, ma la sua vura	There it regains sound, but its concern 
Tende sempre ad unir chi lo disuna	tends always to unite who disunites it.
Così baciai la disïata bocca!		Thus I kissed the desired mouth!
Bocca baciata non perde ventura.	Mouth kissed doesn't lose luck...
Ma il canto muor nel bacio che lo tocca. But the song dies in the kiss that touches it.

Translation by Andrew Richards (
Sheet Music/Scores:
The Ultimate Tenor Aria Album (Version 2.0). Published by CD Sheet Music. Available at and
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