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from Act I of the French opera La Fille du Régiment by Gaetano Donizetti
Libretto: Jean Francois Bayard

Role: Tonio, a Tyrolese peasant in love with Marie
Voice Part: tenor       Fach: tenor leggiero
Setting: an army camp site in a valley in the Swiss Tyrolese Mountains, 1815
Synopsis: After Tonio has been made a member of the French Grenadiers, he approaches some of the members and explains that he has joined the regiment because he loves the regiment's "daughter" Marie. In the cabaletta "Pour mon âme", after asking the members of the regiment to allow him to marry Marie and receiving an affirmative answer, Tonio sings his joy at finally being united with his one love. He promises to take care of her and protect her forever.
Range: Tessitura:
G3 - C5A#/Bb3 - G4
Translations/Aria Texts:
Translation into English by Ann Feeney (added 1999-06-02)
Ah! mes amis, quel jour de fête!, Tonio's aria from La Fille du Régiment

Ah! mes amis, quel jour de fête!	Ah, my friends, what a day for celebrating!
Je vais marcher sous vos drapeaux.	I shall march under your flags.
L'amour qui m'a tourné la tête		Love, which has turned my head,
Désormais, désormais, me rend un héros.	from now on is making me into a hero.
Ah! quel bonheur oui mes amis		Ah, what happiness, yes my friends
Je vais marcher sous vos drapeaux.	I shall march under your flags.
Oui, celle pour qui je respire,		Yes, she for whom I live and breathe
A mes voeux a daigné sourire		has deigned to smile upon my vows.
Et ce doux espoir de bonheur		And this sweet hope of happiness
Trouble ma raison et mon coeur!		has shaken my mind and my heart.
Ah! mes amis, quel jour de fête!	Ah, my friends, what a day for celebrating!
Je vais marcher sous vos drapeaux.	I shall march under your flags.

Translation by Ann Feeney (
Sheet Music/Scores:
The Ultimate Tenor Aria Album (Version 2.0). Published by CD Sheet Music. Available at and
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