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from Act II of the Italian opera Fedora by Umberto Giordano
Libretto: Arturo Colautti

Voice Part: tenor       Fach: spinto
Setting: a party at Fedora's house, Paris, France, late 19th century
Synopsis: Fedora has found out that Count Loris killed her fiance and swears to avenge his death. As the first step in her plan to capture Loris, she goes to Paris and attempts to get him to fall in love with her. Later, they are at a party at Fedora's house and he tells her that he truly loves her.
Range: Tessitura:
A3 - A4B3 - G4
Translations/Aria Texts:
Translation into English by Robert Glaubitz (added 1999-11-30)
Amor ti vieta, Loris's aria from Fedora

Amor ti vieta di non amar...		Love itself bars you from not loving...
La man tua lieve che mi respinge,	Your light hand that repels me,
cerca la stretta della mia man:		still looks for the stroke of my hand:
la tua pupilla esprime: "T'amo"		your eyes exclaim: "I love you"
se il labbro dice: "Non t'amerĂ²!"	even when your lips say: "I will not love you!"

Translation by Robert Glaubitz (
Sheet Music/Scores:
Enrico Caruso - Voices of the Opera Series. Published by Ricordi. Available at and
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