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Cielo e mar! - Romanza
from Act II of the Italian opera La Gioconda by Amilcare Ponchielli
Libretto: Arrigo Boito

Role: Enzo Grimaldo, a Genoese nobleman
Voice Part: tenor       Fach: spinto tenor
Setting: The deck of Enzo's ship, 17th century
Synopsis: As Enzo stands watch on his ship, he awaits the arrival of his love Laura. He sings of the sea and sky around him and his love.
Range: Tessitura:
D3 - A#/Bb4G3 - G4
Translations/Aria Texts:
Translation into English by Mark D. Lew (added 1999-02-17)
Cielo e mar, Enzo Grimaldo's aria from La Gioconda

Cielo e mar! l'etereo velo     	Sky and sea! the airy curtain
  splende come un santo altar. 	   sparkles like a holy altar.
L'angiol mio verrà dal cielo?  	Will my angel come from the sky?
  l'angiol mio verrà dal mare?	   will my angel come from the sea?
Qui l'attendo; ardente spira   	Here I wait for her; the wind
  oggi il vento dell'amor.   	   now blows hot with love
Ah! quell'uom che vi sospira  	Ah, that man who sighs for you,
  vi conquide, o sogni d'ôr! 	   he overcomes you, o golden dreams!

Per l'aura fonda             	Through the thick air
  non appar né suol né monte. 	   neither shore nor mountains appear
L'orizzonte bacia l'onda!     	The horizon kisses the waves;
  l'onda bacia l'orizzonte!  	   the waves kiss the horizon.
Qui nell'ombra, ov'io mi giacio	Here in the darkness, where I lie
  coll'anelito del cor,      	   waiting with racing heart
Vieni, o donna, vieni al bacio	Come, o woman, come to my kiss
  della vita e dell'amor...    	   of life and of love.

Translation copyright ©1999 by Mark D. Lew ( 
Sheet Music/Scores:
The Ultimate Tenor Aria Album (Version 2.0). Published by CD Sheet Music. Available at and
Celebri Arie di Opere - Volume 4. Published by Ricordi. Available at
Adler, Kurt. Operatic Anthology, Volume 3 - Tenor. Published by G. Schirmer. Available at and
Enrico Caruso - Voices of the Opera Series. Published by Ricordi. Available at and
Italian Tenor Arias with Orchestra, vol. II. Published by Music Minus One. Available at and
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