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from Act I of the Italian opera Aïda by Giuseppe Verdi
Libretto: Antonio Ghislanzoni

Role: Aïda, daughter of the King of Ethiopia, slave of Amneris
Voice Part: Soprano       Fach: Dramatic Soprano
Setting: A hall in the Palace of the Kings at Memphis.
Synopsis: Radamès, whom Aida is in love with, has just been given a rousing send-off to engage the Ethiopians in battle. Aida is torn between her home-land, family and the man she loves - Radamès.
Range: Tessitura:
not enterednot entered
Translations/Aria Texts:
Translation into English by Christie Turner (added 1999-02-17)
Ritorna vincitor!, Aïda's aria from Aïda

Ritorna vincitor!				Return, victor!
E dal mio labbro uscì l'empia parola!		And from my lips escapes the impious word!
Vincitor del padre mio di lui 			Victor over my father - 
Che impugna l'armi per me 			over the armies 
Per ridonarmi una patria,			defending my country, 
Una reggia e il nome illustre 			my palace, and the illustrious name 
Che qui celar m'è forza!			that is my sky, my strength!  
Vincitor de'miei fratelli ond'io lo vegga,	Victor over my brothers, I will see 
Tinto del sangue amato,				with whose loved blood is stained - 
Trionfar nel plauso dell'Egizie coorti!		Triumphant in the applause of Egyptian troops.
E dietro il carro, 				And behind his chariot, 
Un Re, mio padre di catene avvinto!		a king, my father, the captive of this victor!

L'insana parola o Numi sperdete!		The insane word, o gods, forget!
Al seno d'un padre la figlia rendete,		To the bosom of his father return his daughterk
Struggete le squadre dei nostri oppressor!	struggling against the squadrons of our 
Ah!  sventurata! Che dissi?			Ah! unhappy one! What did I say?
E l'amor mio?					And my love?
Dunque scordar poss'io questo fervido amore	Can I ever forget the fervent love 
Che, oppressa e schiava, 			that oppresses and enslaves!
Come raggio di sol qui mi beava?		Like rays of the sun which blesses me?  
Imprecherò la morte a Radamès 			I will call for death to Radames, 
a lui ch'amo pur tanto!				To him that I love forever!
Ah! non fu interra mai da più crudeli		never on earth, by more cruelty
Angoscie un core affranto!			was a heart torn!

I sacri nomi di padre d'amante,			In the sacred name of my father, who I love, 
Nè profferir poss'io nè ricordar		I cannot offer or recall
Per l'un per l'altro confusa tremante		For one or the other confused, trembling,
Io piangere vorrei pregar.			I weep and want to pray.
Ma la mia prece in bestemmia si muta		But my prayer becomes blasphemy
Delitto è il pianto a me colpa il sospir	A crime are my tears, my sighs are my sin.
In notte cupa la mente è perduta		In night-darkness the mind is lost.
E nell'ansia crudel vorrei morir.		And in cruel anguish, I want to die. 

Numi, pietà del mio soffrir!			Gods, have pity on my suffering!
Speme non v'ha pel mio dolor			There is no hope in my woe 
Amor fatal tremendo amore			Fatal love, tremendous love,
Spezzami il cor, fammi morir!			Break my heart or let me die!

Translation by Christie Turner (

Sheet Music/Scores:
Verdi, Giuseppe. Aida. Published by Ricordi. Available at and
Verdi, Giuseppe. Aida. Published by Ricordi. Available at and
Verdi, Giuseppe. Aida. Published by G. Schirmer. Available at and
Verdi, Giuseppe. Aida. Published by Ricordi. Available at and
Verdi, Giuseppe. Aida. Published by Dover. Available at
Verdi, Giuseppe. Verdi Arias for Soprano. Published by Music Minus One. Available at and
Cantolopera: Arias for Soprano - Volume 3. Published by Ricordi. Available at and
Verdi, Giuseppe. Verdi Operas: The Complete Vocal Scores (Version 2.0). Published by CD Sheet Music. Available at and
Verdi, Giuseppe. Verdi - Arias for Soprano Vol. 1. Published by Ricordi. Available at and
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