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from Act IV, Scene 1 of the Italian opera Macbeth by Giuseppe Verdi
Libretto: Francesco Maria Piave

Role: Macduff, a Scottish nobleman, the Lord of Fife
Voice Part: tenor       Fach: lyric tenor
Setting: The border between England and Scotland
Synopsis: Macbeth has killed Macduff's children and his wife. Macduff, immensely saddened by this news, laments his children's death.
Range: Tessitura:
G#/Ab3 - A4G#/Ab3 - G#/Ab4
Translations/Aria Texts:
Translation into English by Ugo Berardi (added 2000-01-06)
Ah, la paterna mano,  Macduff's aria from Macbeth

O figli, o figlio miei!				Ah, sons, my dear sons!
Da quel tiranno tutti uccisi voi foste,		You all were killed by that tyrant,
e insiem con voi la madre sventurata!		and, together with you, your unhappy mother too!
Ah, fra gli artigli di quel tigre 		Ah! I let into the claws of that tiger
Io lasciai la madre e i figli?			the mother and her sons!

Ah, la paterna mano non vi fu scudo, o cari,	Ah! The paternal hand didn't defend you, 
							my dears,
Dai perfidi sicari che a morte vi ferîr!	from the hired ruffians that wounded you 
							to death!
E me fuggiasco, occulto voi chiamavate invano	And you looked in vain for me, a 
							concealed fugitive,
Coll'ultimo singulto, coll'ultio respir.	with your last sobs, with your last sighs.
Ah! trammi al tiranno in faccia,		Ah! Bring me in front of that tyrant,
Signore, e s'ei mi sfugge			Lord, and if he escapes from me
Possa a colui le braccia del tuo perdono aprir.	may I offer him to Your forgiveness.

Translation by Ugo Berardi (
Sheet Music/Scores:
The Ultimate Tenor Aria Album (Version 2.0). Published by CD Sheet Music. Available at and
Verdi, Giuseppe. Cantolopera: Verdi Arias for Tenor. Published by Ricordi. Available at and
Verdi, Giuseppe. Favorite Tenor Arias. Published by Ricordi. Available at
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