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Composer: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Description: maid to the Countess of Almaviva, fiancee of Figaro
Voice Part: soprano
Vocal Fach: soubrette
Venite, inginocchiatevi - from Act II. Range: 4D - 5G    Extras: Translation into English by MIDI version by MIDI version by The Ultimate Soprano Aria Album (Version 2.0) by   -
Venite, inginocchiatevi, Susanna's aria from Le Nozze di Figaro

Venite, inginocchiatevi,               	Come, kneel down,
Restate fermo lì,                      	Stay still there,
Pian, piano or vi giratevi,            	Now turn around very slowly,
Bravo, và ben così!                    	Bravo, that's just right!
La faccia ora volgetimi,               	Now turn your face toward me,
Olà! quegli occhi a me,                	Hey! keep your eyes on me,
Dritissimo, guardatemi!                	Right here, look at me!
Madama quì non è.                      	Madame isn't here.
Piu alto quel colletto,                	That neckline higher,
Quel ciglio un po più basso,           	That hem a little lower,
Le mani sotto il petto,                	Your hands below your chest,
Vedremo poscia il passo,               	We'll see how you walk afterwards,
Quando sarete in piè.                  	When you're on your feet.
Mirate il bricconcello,                	Look at the little rascal,
Mirate quanto è bello,                 	Look how beautiful he is, 
Che furba guardatura,                  	What a clever look,
Che vezzo, che figura!                 	What charm, what a figure!
Se l'amano le femmine,                 	If women love him,
Han certo il lor perchè.             	They certainly have their reasons.

Word-by-word translation by Jane Bishop,
Deh vieni, non tardar	--	Susanna's aria from "Le Nozze di Figaro"

Giunse alfin il momento		          	The moment finally arrives
Che godro senz'affanno		          	When I'll enjoy [experience joy] without haste
In braccio all'idol mio		          	In the arms of my beloved...
Timide cure uscite dal mio petto!		Fearful anxieties, get out of my heart!
A turbar non venite il mio diletto.		Do not come to disturb my delight.
O come par che all'amoroso foco			Oh, how it seems that to amorous fires
L'amenita del loco, 				The comfort of the place, 
La terra e il ciel risponda.			Earth and heaven respond,
						[Oh, it seems that earth, heaven and this place 
						answerer my heart's amorous fire.]
Come la notte i furti miei risponda		As the night responds to my ruses.	

Deh vieni, non tardar, o gioja bella	      	Oh, come, don't be late, my beautiful joy
Vieni ove amore per goder t'appella		Come where love calls you to enjoyment
Finche non splende in ciel notturna face	Until night's torches no longer shine in the sky
Finche l'aria e ancor bruna, 			As long as the air is still dark 
E il mondo tace.				And the world quiet. 
Qui mormora il ruscel, qui scherza l'aura	Here the river murmurs and the light plays
Che col dolce susurro il cor ristaura		That restores the heart with sweet ripples 
Qui ridono i fioretti e l'erba e fresca		Here, little flowers laugh and the grass is fresh
Ai piaceri d'amor qui tutto adesca.  		Here, everything entices one to love's pleasures
Vieni, ben mio, tra queste piante ascose.	Come, my dear, among these hidden plants.
Vieni, vieni!  					Come, come!
Ti vo' la fronte incoronar di rose.		I want to crown you with roses.

Text by Lorenzo da Ponte
Translation by Naomi Gurt Lind
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