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Allons! Courage et confiance...Ah! vivre deux! - No. 9, Recitative and Romance
from Act I of the French opera Les Contes d'Hoffmann by Jacques Offenbach
Libretto: Jules Barbier

Role: Hoffmann, a poet
Voice Part: tenor       Fach: lyric tenor
Setting: The parlor room of Spalanzani the scientist, 19th century
Synopsis: Spalanzani the inventor and Coppélius the magician have created Olympia, a human-like mechanical doll. From afar, Hoffmann has seen Olympia and, not knowing that she is a mechanical doll, he falls in love with her. He describes how they will share their love, asking her to open her heart to love's rays.
Range: Tessitura:
E3 - G4A3 - F4
Translations/Aria Texts:
Translation into English by Ann Feeney (added 1997-04-21)
Allons!  Courage et confiance...Ah! vivre deux!, Hoffmann's aria from Les Contes d'Hoffmann

Allons!  Courage et confiance			Let's go!  Courage and confidence
Je deviens un puits de science			I'll become a well of science
Il faut tourner selon le vent			I must bend to prevailing winds
Pour mériter celle que j'aime,			To deserve the one whom I love
Je saurai trouver en moi même			I'll find a way to find in myself
L'etoffe d'un savant				The stuff of a scholar
Elle est là! Si j'osais!			She's there!  If I dared!
C'est elle!  Elle sommeille! 			It's she!  She' is sleeping!
Quelle est belle!				How beautiful she is!

Ah! vivre deux!  				Ah, to live together,
N'avoir qu'une même espérance,			To have nothing but one hope,
Un même souvenir!				One memory!
Partager le bonheur, partager la souffrance, 	Share happiness, share suffering,
Oui, la souffrance, partager l'avenir!		Yes, suffering, to share the future
Laisse ma flamme verser en toi le jour.		Let my flames bring the day to you
Ah!  Laisse éclore ton âme 			Ah, let your soul open 
Aux rayons de l'amour!				To the rays of love!
Foyer divin!  					Divine hearth!
Soleil dont l'ardeur nous pénètre		Sun whose warmth enters us
Et nous vient embraser!				And drives us to ecstasy!
Ineffable délire où l'on sent tout son être,	Sublime delerium where one feels all one's self
Se fondre en un baiser!				Plunge into a kiss!

Word-by-word translation by Ann Feeney, afeeney@Mcs.Net
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