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from Act I, Scene III of the Italian opera Don Giovanni by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Libretto: Lorenzo da Ponte

Role: Donna Elvira, a noblewoman seduced and abandoned by Don Giovanni
Voice Part: soprano       Fach: spinto
Setting: The countryside
Synopsis: After Don Giovanni succeeds in convincing Zerlina that he really loves her, he begins to take her away. Donna Elvira intervenes, though.
Range: Tessitura:
F4 - A5G4 - F5
Translations/Aria Texts:
Translation into English by Leonora McClernan (added 1997-11-04)
Ah, fuggi il traditor!, Donna Elvira's aria from Don Giovanni

Ah, fuggi il traditor!		Ah, the traitor flees!
Non lo lasciar piu' dir!	Don't let him speak another word!
Il labbro e' mentitor,		His lips lie,
fallace il ciglio.		His eyes betray.
Da' miei tormenti impara	Learn from my torments/trials
A creder a quel cor,		(Not) to believe in the heart
E nasca il tuo timor		And let your fear be born
Dal mio perigio.		From my danger(ous situation).

Translation by Leonora McClernan   (
Translation into English by Camila Argolo Freitas Batista (added 1997-11-04)
Ah, fuggi il traditor!, Donna Elvira's aria from Don Giovanni

Ah, fuggi il traditor!		Ah, flee the traitor,
Non lo lasciar più dir!		And let him cozen you no more:
Il labbro è mentitor,		Deceit is on his lips
fallace il ciglio.		And falsehood in his eyes.
Da' miei tormenti impara	From my suffering learn
A creder a quel cor,		What it means to trust him;
E nasca il tuo timor		And be warned in time
Dal mio periglio.		By my plight.

Translation by Camila Argolo Freitas Batista (
Sheet Music/Scores:
The Ultimate Soprano Aria Album (Version 2.0). Published by CD Sheet Music. Available at and
Anthology of Italian Opera - Soprano. Published by Ricordi. Available at and
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