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Adieu, Mignon - No. 11, Mélodie
from Act II, Scene 1 of the French opera Mignon by Ambroise Thomas
Libretto: Jules Barbier

Role: Wilhelm Meister, a traveling student
Voice Part: tenor       Fach: lyric tenor
Setting: Philine's dressing room in a German castle, late 1700s
Synopsis: After Mignon has been following him around for a long time, Wilhelm decides that it is time to tell Mignon that he isn't interested in her. He does this in a kind way, telling her that he must leave her.
Range: Tessitura:
F3 - A4G3 - G4
Translations/Aria Texts:
Translation into English by Michael Morbach (added 2000-08-25)
Adieu, Mignon!, Wilhelm's aria from Mignon

Adieu, Mignon!  courage! Ne pleure pas!  	Goodbye, Mignon! Courage! Do not cry!
Les chagrins sont bien vite oubliés à ton âge; 	Sorrows are indeed quickly forgotten at your age;
Dieu te consolera!  Mes voeux suivront tes pas!	May God console you! My wishes follow your step!
Puisses-tu retrouver et famille e patrie!  	May you be able to see again both family 
							and country!
Puisses-tu rencontrer en chemin le bonheur! 	May you be able to meet, on the way, happiness!
Je te quitte à regret et mon âme attendrie 	I leave you with regret and my tender soul
Partage ta douleur.     			shares your pain.
Adieu, Mignon!  courage! Ne pleure pas!  	Goodbye, Mignon! Courage! Do not cry!
Les chagrins sont bien vite oubliés à ton âge; 	Sorrows are indeed quickly forgotten at your age;
Dieu te consolera!  Mes voeux suivront tes pas!	May God console you! My wishes follow your step!
N'accuse pas mon coeur de froide indifférence! 	Do not accuse my heart of cold indifference!
Ne me reproche pas de suivre un fol amour. 	Do not repraoch me from following a foolish love!
En te disant adieu je garde l'espérance  	In saying goodbye to you I keep the hope
De te revoir un jour.     			to see you again one day.

Translation by Michael Morbach ( 
Sheet Music/Scores:
The Ultimate Tenor Aria Album (Version 2.0). Published by CD Sheet Music. Available at and
Adler, Kurt. Operatic Anthology, Volume 3 - Tenor. Published by G. Schirmer. Available at and
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