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Questa o quella - Ballata
from Act I, Scene I of the Italian opera Rigoletto by Giuseppe Verdi
Libretto: Francesco Maria Piave

Voice Part: tenor       Fach: lyric tenor
Setting: A hall in the palace of the Duke of Mantua
Synopsis: After he discloses his wish to woo the Countess Ceprano, the Duke is warned that the Countess has a jealous husband. The Duke replies that he will go after any woman that he wants and that he won't be scared off by any jealous husbands.
Range: Tessitura:
D#/Eb3 - A#/Bb4G#/Ab3 - G#/Ab4
Translations/Aria Texts:
Translation into English by Guia Monti (added 1997-06-20)
Questa o quella, the Duke's aria from Rigoletto

Questa o quella per me pari sono	This girl or that girl are just 
						the same to me,
a quant' altre d' intorno mi vedo,	to all the others around me
del mio core l' impero non cedo		I won't give away my heart
meglio ad una che ad altre beltà	to this beauty nor to the others.
La costoro avvenenza è qual dono 	Their charm is a gift
di che il fato ne infiora la vita	Given by destiny to embellish their lives
s' oggi questa mi torna gradita		If today I love this one
forse un' altra doman lo sarà.		I'll probably love someone else tomorrow.
La costanza tiranna delcore		We hate constancy, the heart's tyrant,
detestiamo qual morbo crudele,		as if it were a cruel plague,
sol chi vuole si serbi fedele;		Let those who wish to be faithful 
						keep their fidelity alive;
Non v'ha amor se non v'è libertà.	There is no love without freedom.
De' i mariti il geloso furore,		The rage of jealous husbands
degli amanti le smanie derido,		and lovers' woes I despise,
anco d' Argo i cent'occhi disfido	I can defy Argo's hundred eyes
se mi punge una qualche beltà.		If I fancy a beautiful girl.

Translation by Guia Monti (
Sheet Music/Scores:
The Ultimate Tenor Aria Album (Version 2.0). Published by CD Sheet Music. Available at and
Celebri Arie di Opere - Volume 4. Published by Ricordi. Available at
Verdi, Giuseppe. Cantolopera: Verdi Arias for Tenor. Published by Ricordi. Available at and
Verdi, Giuseppe. Favorite Tenor Arias. Published by Ricordi. Available at
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