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from Act IV (Act III in four-act version), Scene 2 of the Italian|French opera Don Carlos by Giuseppe Verdi
Libretto: Joseph Méry

Role: Rodrigo, Marquis of Posa
Voice Part: baritone       Fach: lyric baritone
Setting: The prison cell of Carlos, Madrid, Spain, 1559
Synopsis: Rodrigo has planned to save Carlos from his sentence of death for treason by confessing falsely to having committed the treason himself, thus proving Carlos innocent. He knows that he will be killed, but he does not mind laying his life down for Carlos. He asks Carlos not to mourn for him, for God will see them both reunited in Heaven.
Range: Tessitura:
C3 - F4E3 - F4
Translations/Aria Texts:
Translation into English by David Cox (added 1998-01-15). Notes: from Italian text
Per me giunto è il dì supremo, Rodrigo's aria from Don Carlos

Per me giunto è il dì supremo,		For me the final day has arrived.
no, mai più ci rivedrem;		No more will we see each other.
ci congiunga Iddio nel ciel,		May God reunite us in Heaven;
Ei che premia i duoi fedel'.		He who rewards his faithful ones.
Sul tuo ciglio il pianto io miro;	On your cheeks I see tears - 
lagrimar così perchè?			Why weep thus?
No, fa cor, no, fa cor,			No, take heart,
l' estremo spiro lieto è		The last breath is joyful 
a chi morrà per te.			For he who will die for you.

Translated by David Cox (
Translation into English by Guia Monti (added 1998-01-15). Notes: from Italian text
Per me giunto è il dì supremo, Rodrigo's aria from Don Carlos

Per me giunto è il dì supremo,		My last day has come,
no, mai più ci rivedrem;		We shall meet no more,
ci congiunga Iddio nel ciel,		God will unite us in Heaven,
Ei che premia i duoi fedel'.		He rewards his followers.
Sul tuo ciglio il pianto io miro;	I see tears in your eyes,
lagrimar così perchè?			why weep now, why?
No, fa cor, no, fa cor,			Take heart Carlos,
l' estremo spiro lieto è		My last breath will be joyful
a chi morrà per te.			for I die for you.

Translated by Guia Monti (
Sheet Music/Scores:
Anthology of Italian Opera - Baritone. Published by Ricordi. Available at and
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