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Care compagne…Come per me serena - No. 4, Recitative and Cavatina
from Act I of the Italian opera La Sonnambula by Vincenzo Bellini
Libretto: Felice Romani

Role: Amina, an orphan who has been adopted by Teresa, engaged to Elvino
Voice Part: soprano       Fach: lyric coloratura
Setting: The village green of a village in Switzerland, early 19th century
Synopsis: Amina thanks all the attendees to her wedding to Elvino, saying that they have made her life happy. She then thanks her mother for watching over her. She goes on, saying that this day is beautiful like the flowers and that all nature rejoices for her love.
Range: Tessitura:
D4 - C6G4 - G#/Ab5
Translations/Aria Texts:
Libretto entered by Giovanni Christen (added 1998-02-11)
Come per me sereno, Amina's aria from La Sonnambula

Care compagne, e voi, 
Teneri amici, che alla gioia mia 
Tanta parte prendete, oh come dolci 
Scendon d'Amina al core 
I canti che v'inspira il vostro amore!
A te, diletta, 
Tenera madre, che a s lieto giorno 
Me orfanella serbasti, a te favelli 
Questo, dal cor pi— che dal ciglio espresso, 
Dolce pianto di gioia, e quest'amplesso. 
Compagne... teneri amici... 
Ah! madre... ah! qual gioia! 

Come per me sereno 
Oggi rinacque il d! 
Come il terren fior 
Pi— bello e ameno! 
Mai di pi— lieto aspetto 
Natura non brill•; 
Amor la color• 
Del mio diletto.

Sheet Music/Scores:
The Ultimate Soprano Aria Album (Version 2.0). Published by CD Sheet Music. Available at and
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