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from Act I of the Italian opera Le Nozze di Figaro by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Libretto: Lorenzo da Ponte

Role: Figaro, valet to the Count of Almaviva, betrothed to Susanna
Voice Part: bass-baritone       Fach: bass-baritone
Setting: A room in Count Almaviva's castle
Synopsis: After the Count orders Cherubino to leave and join the Seville regiment for his romantic indiscretions, Figaro tells Cherubino that he must give up his easy life and his women and become a soldier.
Range: Tessitura:
C3 - E4C3 - E4
Translations/Aria Texts:
Translation into English by Jane Bishop (added 1997-04-21)
Non più andrai, Figaro's aria from Le Nozze di Figaro

Non più andrai, farfallone amoroso, 	You won't go any more, amorous
Notte e giorno d'intorno girando,      	Fluttering around inside night and day,
Delle belle turbando il riposo,        	Disturbing the sleep of beauties,
Narcisetto, Adoncino d'amor.           	A little Narcissus and Adonis of love.
Non piu avrai questi bei penacchini,   	You won't have those fine feathers
                                                     	any more,
Quel cappello leggiero e galante,      	That light and jaunty hat,
Quella chioma, quell'aria brillante,   	That hair, that shining aspect,
Quel vermiglio donnesco color!         	That womanish red color [in your face]!
Fra guerrieri, poffar Bacco!           	Among soldiers, by Bacchus!
Gran mustacchi, stretto sacco,         	A huge moustache, a little knapsack,
Schioppo in spalla, sciabla al fianco, 	Gun on your back, sword at your side,
Collo dritto, muso franco,             	Your neck straight, your nose exposed,
Un gran casco, o un gran turbante,     	A big helmet, or a big turban,
Molto onor, poco contante.             	A lot of honour, very little pay.
Ed in vece del fandango                	And in place of the dance
Una marcia per il fango.               	A march through the mud.
Per montagne, per valloni,             	Over mountains, through valleys,
Con le nevi, e i solioni,              	With snow, and heat-stroke,
Al concerto di tromboni,               	To the music of trumpets,
Di bombarde, di cannoni,               	Of bombards, and of cannons,
Che le palle in tutti i tuoni,         	Which, at every boom,
All'orecchio fan fischiar.             	Will make bullets whistle past your ear.
Cherubino, alla vittoria!             	Cherubino, go to victory!
Alla gloria militar!                   	To military glory!

Word-by-word translation by Jane Bishop,
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