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from Act I of the French opera Carmen by Georges Bizet
Libretto: Henri Meilhac

Role: Micaëla, a young girl from Don José's village, in love with him
Voice Part: soprano       Fach: lyric soprano
Setting: A mountain pass
Synopsis: Searching for Don José, who she still loves in spite of the smugglers, Micaëla finds herself alone in the mountains. Frightened, she prays for courage.
Range: Tessitura:
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Translations/Aria Texts:
Translation into English by Terri Eickel (added 1997-10-22)
Je dis que rien ne m'épouvante, Micaëla's aria from Carmen

C'est des contrebandiers le refuge ordinaire.	It is the smugglers ordinary 
Il est ici; je le verrai!			He is here, I will see him!
Et le devoir que m'imposa sa mère		And the task that his mother 
Sans trembler je l'accomplirai			Without  trembling, I will 
							accomplish it.

Je dis que rien ne m'épouvante,		I say that nothing can frighten me.
Je dis, hélas! que je réponds de moi;	I say, alas, that I respond to myself;
Mais j'ai beau faire la vaillante...	But I play the part of the courgeous
						one in vain...
Au fond du coeur je meurs d'effroi!	From the bottom of my heart, I die of 
Seule en ce lieu sauvage		Alone in this savage place
Toute seule j'ai peur,			All alone I am afraid,
Mais j'ai tort d'avoir peur.		But I am wrong to have fear.
Vous me donnerez du courage;		You will give me courage;
Vous me protégerez, Seigneur!		You will protect me, Lord!

Je vais voir de près cette femme,	I am going to see face to face this
Dont les artifices maudits		Whose cursed guile
Ont fini par faire un infâme		Has ended up to make a vile person
De celui que j'aimais jadis!		Of him that I love once!
Elle est dangereuse...elle est belle!	She is dangerous, she is beautiful!
Mais je ne veux pas avoir peur! 	But I do not want to be afraid!
Non, non, je ne veux pas avoir peur!	No, no, I do not want to be afraid!
Je parlerai haut devant elle...ah!	I will speak up before her...ah!
Seigneur, vous me protégerez.		Lord, you will protect me.
Protégez-moi!  Ô Seigneur!		Protect me!  O Lord!
Donnez-moi du courage!			Give me courage!

Word by word translation by Terri Eickel
Sheet Music/Scores:
Larsen, Robert. Arias for Soprano. Published by G. Schirmer. Available at and
The Ultimate Soprano Aria Album (Version 2.0). Published by CD Sheet Music. Available at and
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