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from Act III, Scene 1 of the Italian opera Giulio Cesare by George Frideric Handel
Libretto: Nicola Haym

Role: Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt
Voice Part: soprano       Fach: dramatic coloratura
Setting: woods near Alexandria, Egypt, 48 B.C.
Synopsis: Her brother Tolomeo has ordered Cleopatra to prison for scheming with the now-apparently-drowned Caesar. Saddened by the turn of events, Cleopatra contemplates what fate has given her and how, when she is dead, she could come back and haunt her brother.
Range: Tessitura:
E4 - A5G4 - G5
Translations/Aria Texts:
Libretto entered by Paolo Mattiazzi (added 1999-08-24)
Piangerò la sorte mia, Cleopatra's aria from Giulio Cesare

E pur così in un giorno
perdo fasti e grandezze? Ahi fato rio!
Cesare, il mio bel nume, è forse estinto;
Cornelia e Sesto inermi son, né sanno
darmi soccorso. O dio!
Non resta alcuna speme al viver mio.

Piangerò la sorte mia,
sì crudele e tanto ria,
finché vita in petto avrò.
Ma poi morta d'ogn'intorno
il tiranno  e notte  e giorno
fatta spettro agiterò.
Sheet Music/Scores:
The Ultimate Soprano Aria Album (Version 2.0). Published by CD Sheet Music. Available at and
Anthology of Italian Opera - Soprano. Published by Ricordi. Available at and
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