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from Act I, Scene III of the Italian opera Così fan tutte by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Libretto: Lorenzo da Ponte

Role: Dorabella, sister of Fiordiligi and fiancee of Ferrando
Voice Part: mezzo-soprano|soprano       Fach: lyric mezzo
Setting: the living room of Dorabella and Fiordiligi's house
Synopsis: After her fiance has gone off to war, Dorabella grieves his leaving and overreacts somewhat to the point where she is hysterical. In this mock-heroic aria, she is singing that her grief is too much to bear and thus, she should die.
Range: Tessitura:
D4 - G5F4 - G5
Translations/Aria Texts:
Translation into English by Robert Glaubitz (added 1998-09-03)
Smanie implacabili, Dorabella's aria from Così fan tutte

Ah scostati!  				Ah, move away!
Paventa il tristo effeto		Fear the sad effect
d'un disperato affeto!			of a desperate affection!
Chiudi quelle finestre			Shut those windows,
Odio la luce, odio l'aria, che spiro	I hate the light, I hate the air 
						that I breathe
Odio me stessa!				I hate myself!
Chi schernisce il mio duol,		Who mocks my pain,
Chi mi consola?				Who will console me?
Deh fuggi, per pietà, fuggi,		Oh, leave, for pity's sake, leave,
Lasciami sola.				Leave me alone.

Smanie implacabili, che m'agitate 	Implacable restlessness, that disturbs me
Dentro quest'anima più non cessate,	Inside this soul, doesn't cease,
Finchè l'angoscia mi fa morir.		Until it makes me die.
Esempio misero d'amor funesto,		A miserable example of fateful love
Darò all'Eumenidi se viva resto		I will give to the Furies, if I live,
Col suno orrible de' miei sospir.	With the horrible sound of my sighs.
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