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  • Database searched-aria
  • Librettist-Jules Barbier and Michel Carr
  • Range Function-not used
  • Voice Part-All
  • Language-All

"Alceste can only displease when it is new. It has not yet had time. I say that it will please in two hundred years."

-Christoph Willibald Gluck after the initial failure of Alceste

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48 arias found matching your criteria.
No. 1-20 displayed in alphabetical order by opera.

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Avant de quitter ces lieux - No. 4, Recitative and Cavatina
      from Act II of the French opera, Faust by Charles-François Gounod
      Libretto : Jules Barbier and Michel Carrè

Song of the Golden Calf ("Le veau d'or est toujours debout!") - No. 4a
      from Act II of the French opera, Faust by Charles-François Gounod
      Libretto : Jules Barbier and Michel Carrè

Salut! demeure chaste et pure - No. 8, Cavatina
      from Act III of the French opera, Faust by Charles-François Gounod
      Libretto : Jules Barbier and Michel Carrè

Je voudrais bien savoir...Il était un Roi de Thulé - First part of No. 9
      from Act III of the French opera, Faust by Charles-François Gounod
      Libretto : Jules Barbier and Michel Carrè

The Jewel Song ("Ah, je ris de me voir") - Second part of No. 9
      from Act III of the French opera, Faust by Charles-François Gounod
      Libretto : Jules Barbier and Michel Carrè

Faites-lui mes âveux - No. 7
      from Act III of the French opera, Faust by Charles-François Gounod
      Libretto : Jules Barbier and Michel Carrè

The Spinning Wheel Song ("Elles se cachaient...Il ne revient pas") - Part of No. 12, Scene and Chanson
      from Act IV, Scene 1 of the French opera, Faust by Charles-François Gounod
      Libretto : Jules Barbier and Michel Carrè

Si le bonheur a sourire t'invite - Part of No. 12, Romance
      from Act IV, Scene 1 of the French opera, Faust by Charles-François Gounod
      Libretto : Jules Barbier and Michel Carrè

Vous qui faites l'endormie - No. 15, Serenade
      from Act IV, Scene 3 of the French opera, Faust by Charles-François Gounod
      Libretto : Jules Barbier and Michel Carrè

Pour mon pays en serviteur fide - No. 3
      from Act I, Scene 1 of the French opera, Hamlet by Ambroise Thomas
      Libretto : Jules Barbier and Michel Carré

Spectre infernal! - No. 5, Invocation
      from Act I, Scene 2 of the French opera, Hamlet by Ambroise Thomas
      Libretto : Jules Barbier and Michel Carré

Adieu, dit-il, ayez foi! - No. 6
      from Act II, Scene 1 of the French opera, Hamlet by Ambroise Thomas
      Libretto : Jules Barbier and Michel Carré

Dans son regard plus sombre - No. 7, Arioso
      from Act II, Scene 1 of the French opera, Hamlet by Ambroise Thomas
      Libretto : Jules Barbier and Michel Carré

Ò vin dissipe la tristesse - No. 10, Chanson bacique
      from Act II, Scene 1 of the French opera, Hamlet by Ambroise Thomas
      Libretto : Jules Barbier and Michel Carré

J'ai pu frapper - No. 13
      from Act III of the French opera, Hamlet by Ambroise Thomas
      Libretto : Jules Barbier and Michel Carré

Je t'implore, ô mon frère - No. 14
      from Act III of the French opera, Hamlet by Ambroise Thomas
      Libretto : Jules Barbier and Michel Carré

Partagez-vous mes fleurs - part of No. 18, Valse
      from Act IV of the French opera, Hamlet by Ambroise Thomas
      Libretto : Jules Barbier and Michel Carré

Pâle et blonde - part of No. 18, Ballade
      from Act IV of the French opera, Hamlet by Ambroise Thomas
      Libretto : Jules Barbier and Michel Carré

Comme une pâle fleur - No. 22, Arioso
      from Act V of the French opera, Hamlet by Ambroise Thomas
      Libretto : Jules Barbier and Michel Carré

Dans les rôles d'amoureux langoureux - No. 3, Couplets
      from Prologue of the French opera, Les Contes d'Hoffmann by Jacques Offenbach
      Libretto : Jules Barbier and Michel Carré

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