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from Act I, Scene III of the Italian opera Così fan tutte by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Libretto: Lorenzo da Ponte

Role: Despina, the serving maid of Dorabella and Fiordiligi
Voice Part: soprano       Fach: soubrette
Setting: the living room of Dorabella and Fiordiligi's house
Synopsis: After Dorabella declares that she cannot live while Ferrando is gone because of her grief, Despina tells her mistresses that one cannot expect men, especially soldiers, to be faithful. She goes on to describe men as creatures that use women for pleasure and can change at any moment. Despina states that, therefore, women should only be faithful to their own self.
Range: Tessitura:
C4 - A5F4 - F5
Translations/Aria Texts:
Translation into English by Naomi Gurt Lind (added 1997-04-21)
In uomini, in soldati     --     Despina's aria from "Cosi fan tutte"

In uomini, in soldati, sperare fedelta?		In men?  In soldiers you hope for fidelity?
Non vi fate sentir, per carita!		        For pete's sake, don't let anyone hear you!
Di pasta simile son tutti quanti,		They're all made of the same dough.
Le fronde mobili, l'aure incostanti		Windblown branches, changeable breezes
Han piu degli uomini stabilita!		        Have more stability than men!
Mentite lagrime, fallaci sguardi		False tears, suspicious glances,
Voci ingannevoli, vezzi bugiardi		Deceiving voices, lying vices
Son le primarie lor qualita!			Are the foremost of their qualities!
In noi non amano che il lor diletto,		They only love us when it suits their delight,
Poi ci dispregiano, neganci affetto,		Then they disparage us and deny us affection,
Ne val da barbari chieder pieta!		It's useless to ask their pity!
Paghiam o femmine, d'ugual moneta		Let's pay them back in their own coin,
Questa malefica razza indiscreta.		This accursed, indiscreet race.
Amiam per comodo, per vanita!		        Let's love for our convenience and vanity!

Text by Lorenzo da Ponte
Translation by Naomi Gurt Lind
Sheet Music/Scores:
The Ultimate Soprano Aria Album (Version 2.0). Published by CD Sheet Music. Available at and
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