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Composer: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Description: wife of the Count Almaviva
Voice Part: soprano
Vocal Fach: lyric soprano
Porgi, amor, qualche ristoro - from Act II. Range: 4D - 5G#/Ab    Extras: Translation into English by MIDI version by Arias for Soprano by Robert Larsen - Robert The Ultimate Soprano Aria Album (Version 2.0) by   -
E Susanna non vien!...Dove sono i bei momenti - from Act III. Range: 4D - 5A    Extras: Translation into English by MIDI version by Arias for Soprano by Robert Larsen - Robert The Ultimate Soprano Aria Album (Version 2.0) by   - Prima Donna Anthology of Italian Opera - Soprano by   -
Porgi, amor, qualche ristoro, the Countess's aria from Le Nozze di Figaro

Porgi, amor, qualche ristoro,        	O Love, give me some remedy
Al mio duolo, a'miei sospir!         	For my sorrow, for my sighs!
O mi rendi il mio tesoro,            	Either give me back my darling
O mi lascia almen morir.             	Or at least let me die.

Word-by-word translation by Jane Bishop,
Dove sono i bei momenti, The Countess's aria from Le Nozze di Figaro

E Susanna non vien!                      	And Susanna hasn't come!
Sono ansiosa di saper                    	I'm anxious to know
come il Conte accolse la proposta.       	How the Count took the proposition.
Alquanto ardito il progetto mi par,      	The plan seems to me a little rash,
E ad uno sposo si vivace e geloso!       	And against such a quick and jealous
Ma che mal c'è?                          	But what harm is there in it?
Cangiando i miei vestiti con quelli      	To change my clothes with
                    di Susanna,                             	Susanna's,
E suoi co'miei                           	And hers with mine
al favor della notte.                    	Under cover of night.
Oh, cielo! a qual umil stato fatale      	Oh, Heaven! What a fatal comedown
io son ridotta da un consorte crudel!    	I'm reduced to by a cruel husband!
Che dopo avermi con un misto inaudito    	Who, after he had me, [gave me] an
                                                    		unheard-of mixture
d'infedeltà, di gelosia, di sdegno!      	Of infidelity, jealousy and rage!
Prima amata, indi offesa, e alfin tradita,  	First loved, then insulted, and
                                                           	at last betrayed,
Fammi or cercar da una mia serva aita!   	You force me to seek help from one
                                                          	of my maids!

Dove sono i bei momenti              		Where are the lovely moments
Di dolcezza e di piacer?             		Of sweetness and pleasure?
Dove andaro i giuramenti             		Where have the promises gone
Di quel labbro menzogner?            		That came from those lying lips?
Perchè mai, se in pianti e in pene   		Why, if all is changed for me
Per me tutto si cangiò,              		Into tears and pain,
La memoria di quel bene              		Has the memory of that goodness
Dal mio sen non trapassò?            		Not vanished from my breast?
Ah! se almen la mia costanza,        		Ah! if only, at least, my faithfulness,
Nel languire amando ognor,           		Which still loves amidst its suffering,
Mi portasse una speranza             		Could bring me the hope
Di cangiar l'ingrato cor!            		Of changing that ungrateful heart!

Word-by-word translation by Jane Bishop,
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