A Serpina penserete, Serpina's aria from La Serva Padrona A Serpina penserete You'll remember Serpina very well, qualche volta e qualche dì, Sometimes, somedays e direte : ah! poverina, And you'll say : "Oh,poor little maid cara un tempo ella mi fu. How dear she once was to me." (Ei mi par che già pian piano It seems to me that gradually Uberto s'incomincia a intenerir.) is becoming tender-hearted. S'io poi fui impertinente If I was cheeky, please excuse me; mi perdoni; malamente mi guidai, I behaved badly and I admit it, yes. lo verdo sì. (Ei mi stringe per la mano, He finally takes my hand: meglio il fatto non può gir.) He can't put things better than how I have arranged them. Translation by Mario Giuseppe Genesi (mariogenesi@libero.it)