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"He never, I believe, conducted an opera without cuts, and was particularly proud when he could leave out a whole act of a modern opera."

-Richard Strauss on conductor Ernst von Schuch

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765 arias found matching your criteria.
No. 1-20 displayed in alphabetical order by opera.

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Io son l'umile ancella
      from Act I of the Italian opera, Adriana Lecouvreur by Francesco Cilèa
      Libretto : Arturo Colautti

La dolcissima effigie
      from Act I of the Italian opera, Adriana Lecouvreur by Francesco Cilèa
      Libretto : Arturo Colautti

Ecco il monologo
      from Act I of the Italian opera, Adriana Lecouvreur by Francesco Cilèa
      Libretto : Arturo Colautti

Acerba voluttà…O vagabonda stella
      from Act II of the Italian opera, Adriana Lecouvreur by Francesco Cilèa
      Libretto : Arturo Colautti

L'anima ho stanca
      from Act II of the Italian opera, Adriana Lecouvreur by Francesco Cilèa
      Libretto : Arturo Colautti

Poveri fiori
      from Act IV of the Italian opera, Adriana Lecouvreur by Francesco Cilèa
      Libretto : Arturo Colautti

Il russo Mèncikoff
      from Act III of the Italian opera, Adriana Lecouvreur by Francesco Cilèa
      Libretto : Arturo Colautti

Doctor Jessop's midwife
      from Act I, Scene 1 of the English opera, Albert Herring by Benjamin Britten
      Libretto : Eric Crozier

Now then! Notebook, Florence
      from Act I, Scene 1 of the English opera, Albert Herring by Benjamin Britten
      Libretto : Eric Crozier

Is this all you can bring?
      from Act I, Scene 1 of the English opera, Albert Herring by Benjamin Britten
      Libretto : Eric Crozier

Tickling a trout, poaching a hare
      from Act I, Scene 2 of the English opera, Albert Herring by Benjamin Britten
      Libretto : Eric Crozier

I'm full of happiness
      from Act II, Scene 1 of the English opera, Albert Herring by Benjamin Britten
      Libretto : Eric Crozier

Albert the Good
      from Act II, Scene 2 of the English opera, Albert Herring by Benjamin Britten
      Libretto : Eric Crozier

I can't remember everything
      from Act III of the English opera, Albert Herring by Benjamin Britten
      Libretto : Eric Crozier

What would Missus Herring say?
      from Act III of the English opera, Albert Herring by Benjamin Britten
      Libretto : Eric Crozier

Tornami a vagheggiar
      from Act I, Scene 2 of the Italian opera, Alcina by George Frideric Handel
      Libretto : A. Marchi

Mi lusinga il dolce affeto
      from Act II, Scene 1 of the Italian opera, Alcina by George Frideric Handel
      Libretto : A. Marchi

Ah, mio cor!
      from Act II, Scene 1 of the Italian opera, Alcina by George Frideric Handel
      Libretto : A. Marchi

Verdi prati
      from Act II, Scene 1 of the Italian opera, Alcina by George Frideric Handel
      Libretto : A. Marchi

Ah! Ruggiero crudel…Ombre pallide - Recit. and aria
      from Act II, Scene 2 of the Italian opera, Alcina by George Frideric Handel
      Libretto : A. Marchi

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