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  • Database searched-aria
  • Role-Bess
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"I never was an opera fan—about twenty-five musically supreme masterpieces in this curious medium apart."

-Hans Keller, musicologist

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1 aria found matching your criteria.
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What you want wid Bess?
      from Act II, Scene 2 of the English opera, Porgy and Bess by George Gershwin
      Libretto : DuBose Heyward and Ira Gershwin

  • Role : Bess, Crown's girl
  • Voice Part : soprano   Fach : spinto
  • Setting : Kittiwah Island, off the coast of Charleston, South Carolina, the 'recent past'
  • Range : D#/Eb4 to G#/Ab5. Tessitura : F#/Gb4 to F#/Gb5
  • Synopsis : Crown, who is wanted for the murder of Robbins, meets Bess after everyone else has left the picnic of Kittiwah Island. He appears confident that he will win her back from Porgy. Bess retorts, asking him why he keeps on going after her.
  • Sound file : none
  • Translation and/or Aria Text : none
  • Recordings : Complete Opera  Excerpts from Opera
  • Where to Find It : Score of opera is in print but unknown what edition or where you can find it. Ask the guy at Classical Vocal Reprints, 1-800-298-7474.

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