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  • Role-Rosalinda
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"A Librettist is a mere drudge in the world of opera."

-Robertson Davies

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2 arias found matching your criteria.
No. 1-2 displayed in alphabetical order by opera.

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Mein Herr, was dächten Sie von mir - No. 5b, Couplets
      from Act I of the German opera, Die Fledermaus by Johann Strauss
      Libretto : Carl Haffner and Richard Genče

  • Role : Rosalinda, Gabriel von Eisenstein's wife
  • Voice Part : soprano   Fach : lyric coloratura
  • Setting : An empty room in the residence of Gabriel von Eisenstein, Vienna, Austria, 1870.
  • Range : D4 to G5. Tessitura : F#/Gb4 to E5
  • Synopsis : Frank the Jailer has come to take Rosalinda's husband Gabriel von Eisenstein away to jail for an eight-day sentence in jail. In order to save him from going to jail, Rosalinda tells Frank that the man with her (Alfred) is actually Gabriel von Eisenstein.
  • Sound file : none
  • Translation and/or Aria Text : Translation by Lea Frey.
  • Recordings : Complete Opera  Excerpts from Opera
  • Where to Find It : Score of opera and aria alone - Classical Vocal Reprints, 1-800-298-7474. Catalog number for aria : #1236, for score : #K064 (Kalmus). Buy vocal score online at Sheet Music Plus.

Klänge der Heimat - No. 10. Csārdās
      from Act II of the German opera, Die Fledermaus by Johann Strauss
      Libretto : Carl Haffner and Richard Genče

  • Role : Rosalinda, Gabriel von Eisenstein's wife
  • Voice Part : soprano   Fach : lyric coloratura
  • Setting : A party in Prince Orlofsky's house, Vienna, Austria, 1870.
  • Range : C#/Db4 to D6. Tessitura : D4 to A6
  • Synopsis : Rosalinda has come into the party disguised as a Hungarian countess. To convince everyone of her authenticity, she sings a Hungarian czardas of her love for her land.
  • Sound file : none
  • Translation and/or Aria Text : Translation by Lea Frey.
  • Recordings : Complete Opera  Excerpts from Opera
  • Where to Find It : Score of opera - Classical Vocal Reprints, 1-800-298-7474. Catalog #K064 (Kalmus). Buy vocal score online at Sheet Music Plus.

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