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from Act II of the Italian opera La Clemenza di Tito by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Libretto: Pietro Metastasio

Role: Vitellia, daughter of the former Emperor Vitellius
Voice Part: soprano       Fach: dramatic coloratura
Setting: The Imperial garden
Synopsis: Vitellia is in love with Emperor Titus. He loves another, so she induces Sextus, a friend of Emperor Titus who is in love with her, to murder Titus. Sextus does not succeed and is imprisoned, and she realizes that she must tell the emperor that she asked him to commit the crime, since Sextus is prepared to die for her if she does not. She realizes that she must abandon her hopes for the throne and marriage to Titus by telling the truth.
Range: Tessitura:
not enterednot entered
Translations/Aria Texts:
Translation into English by Sarah Daughtrey Huff (added 2000-10-13)
Non più di fiori, Vitellia's aria from La Clemenza di Tito

Ecco il punto, o Vitellia,		Now is the point (time), o Vitellia, 
d'esaminar la tua costanza!		to examine your constancy (faithfulness)!
Avrai valor che basti a rimirare e 	Will you have enough courage to see 
	sangue il tuo Sesto fedel?		your faithful Sestus dead?
Sesto, che t'ama più della vita sua? 	Sestus, who loves you more than his own life? 
che per tua colpa divenne reo? 		Who, by your guilt (crime) became a traitor?
che t'ubbidi, crudele, 			who obeyed you, cruel one, 
che, inguista, t'adorò?			who, (though) unjustly, adored you?
che, in faccia a morte, 		who in the face of death 
si gran fede ti serba?  		still has great faith in you? 
e tu frattanto, 			and, in the meantime, 
non ingnota a te stessa, 		knowing yourself well, 
andrai tranquilla al talamo d'Augusto?	will calmly go the marriage bed of Augustus?
Ah! mi vedrei sempre Sesto d'intorno	Ah!  I would always see Sestus around me
e l'aure, e i sassi temerei 		and the breezes, and the pebbles, 
che loquaci mi scoprissero a Tito.	I fear would themselves become capable of 
						speech and might betray me to Titus.
A piedi suoi vadasi il tutto a palesar.	At his feet, one might go and confess all.
Se scemi il delitto di Sesto, 		To reduce the crime (sentence) of Sestus, 
se scusar no si può, col fallo mio. 	if not gain his pardon, by declaring myself guilty.
D'impero e d'Imenei speranze, addio! 	Of empire and of Hymen (god of marriage), 
						hopes, goodbye!

Non più di fiori, vaghe catene, 	No more flowers, beautiful wreaths (chains), 
discenda Imene ad intrecciar.		will Hymen descend to weave.
Stretta fra barbare aspre ritorte 	Stretched between barbarous, harsh chains 
veggo la morte vêr me avanzar.		I advance toward death.
Infelice, qual orrore, 			Unhappy me!  What horror!  
Ah! di me che si dirà?			What will be said of me?
Chi vedesse il mio dolore, 		Who seeing my sorrow, 
pur avria di me pietà?			would ever have pity on me?

Translation by Sarah Daughtrey Huff -  (with the help of Dale Erwin)
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