The Aria Database
Database Search Results

Your search criteria were:
  • Database searched-aria
  • Librettist-Carl Haffner and Richard Gene
  • Range Function-not used
  • Voice Part-All
  • Language-All

"Imagine handing over the work of one's brain and heart, confiding it to creatures who earn their living by tearing it to shreds for you, by degrading and dishonouring it! It is my child you are torturing, wretches...I give you one thing and it is another that you show to the public."

-Charles Gounod

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7 arias found matching your criteria.
No. 1-7 displayed in alphabetical order by opera.

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Da schreibt meine Schwester - No. 1, part of Introduction
      from Act I of the German opera, Die Fledermaus by Johann Strauss
      Libretto : Carl Haffner and Richard Genče

Trinke, Liebchen, trinke schnell - No. 5a, Drinking Song
      from Act I of the German opera, Die Fledermaus by Johann Strauss
      Libretto : Carl Haffner and Richard Genče

Mein Herr, was dächten Sie von mir - No. 5b, Couplets
      from Act I of the German opera, Die Fledermaus by Johann Strauss
      Libretto : Carl Haffner and Richard Genče

Ich lade gern mir Gäste ein - No. 7, Couplets
      from Act II of the German opera, Die Fledermaus by Johann Strauss
      Libretto : Carl Haffner and Richard Genče

Mein Herr Marquis, ein Mann wie Sie - No. 8, Couplets
      from Act II of the German opera, Die Fledermaus by Johann Strauss
      Libretto : Carl Haffner and Richard Genče

Klänge der Heimat - No. 10. Csārdās
      from Act II of the German opera, Die Fledermaus by Johann Strauss
      Libretto : Carl Haffner and Richard Genče

Spiel ich die Unschuld vom Lande - No. 14, Couplets
      from Act III of the German opera, Die Fledermaus by Johann Strauss
      Libretto : Carl Haffner and Richard Genče

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