The Aria Database
Database Search Results

Your search criteria were:
  • Database searched-role
  • Opera-Die Lustige Witwe
  • Voice Part-All
  • Language-All

"Opera once was an important social instrument—especially in Italy. With Rossini and Verdi people were listening to opera together and having the same catharsis with the same story, the same moral dilemmas. They were holding hands in the darkness. That has gone. Now perhaps they are holding hands watching television."

-Luciano Berio

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14 roles found matching your criteria.
No. 1-14 displayed in alphabetical order by opera.

Search : In these results-      Entire Operatic Role Database-



Camille de Rosillon

Hanna Glawari

Count Danilo Danilovitch


Vicomte Cascada


Baron Mirko Zeta




Raoul St. Brioche


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