The Aria Database
Database Search Results

Your search criteria were:
  • Database searched-role
  • Opera-Il Barbiere di Siviglia (The Barber of Seville)
  • Voice Part-All
  • Language-All

"If music in general is an imitation of history, opera in particular is an imitation of human willfulness; it is rooted in the fact that we not only have feelings but insist upon having them at whatever cost to ourselves. . . . The quality common to all the great operatic roles, e.g., Don Giovanni, Norma, Lucia, Tristan, Isolde, Brünnhilde, is that each of them is a passionate and willful state of being. In real life they would all be bores, even Don Giovanni."

-W.H. Auden

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7 roles found matching your criteria.
No. 1-7 displayed in alphabetical order by opera.

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Don Basilio

Doctor Bartolo

Count Almaviva

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