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  • Database searched-aria
  • Role-Jake
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"Yes...I've been the cause of many sins. Sometimes I feel remorse...Only occasionally, because...there are also many people who owe their happiness to it."

-Charles Gounod on temptations his opera Faust may have caused others

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2 arias found matching your criteria.
No. 1-2 displayed in alphabetical order by opera.

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Listen to yo' daddy warn you (A woman is a sometime thing)
      from Act I, Scene 1 of the English opera, Porgy and Bess by George Gershwin
      Libretto : DuBose Heyward and Ira Gershwin

  • Role : Jake, a fisherman
  • Voice Part : baritone   Fach : dramatic baritone
  • Setting : Catfish Row (a tenement), the waterfront of Charleston, South Carolina, the 'recent past'
  • Range : D3 to F4. Tessitura : D3 to D4
  • Synopsis : After Clara is unable to get her baby to sleep, her husband Jake decides to help by singing the baby his own "lullaby". His song warns his child facetiously that a woman may appear loyal but she can turn on you at any time.
  • Sound file : none
  • Translation and/or Aria Text : Italian translation by Ugo Berardi.
  • Recordings : Complete Opera  Excerpts from Opera
  • Where to Find It : Score of opera is in print but unknown what edition or where you can find it. Ask the guy at Classical Vocal Reprints, 1-800-298-7474.

Oh, I'm a goin' out (It take a long pull to get there)
      from Act II, Scene 1 of the English opera, Porgy and Bess by George Gershwin
      Libretto : DuBose Heyward and Ira Gershwin

  • Role : Jake, a fisherman
  • Voice Part : baritone   Fach : dramatic baritone
  • Setting : Catfish Row (a tenement), the waterfront of Charleston, South Carolina, the 'recent past'
  • Range : E3 to G4. Tessitura : E3 to E4
  • Synopsis : As he sits with the other fishermen repairing fishnets, Jake sings a rowing song.
  • Sound file : none
  • Translation and/or Aria Text : none
  • Recordings : Complete Opera  Excerpts from Opera
  • Where to Find It : Score of opera is in print but unknown what edition or where you can find it. Ask the guy at Classical Vocal Reprints, 1-800-298-7474.

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